Pablo Luján Gil

Pablo Luján Gil

Company: IVA Consulta
Job Title: Manager and owner
Address: Calle Bartolomé de Medina nº 1, 3ºB, 41004, Sevilla, Spain
Email: [email protected]
Work Tel: 34928336035

Pablo has worked for almost ten years in VAT at IVA CONSULTA providing consultancy services mainly to non-established companies operating in Spain. He also has experience teaching VAT seminars in specific VAT topics such as consignment stocks, proof of cross-border supplies of services and doing business in Spain. In addition, he has worked for one and a half years in transfer pricing issues in a big four and in DG TAXUD at the European Commission. Pablo has completed his law degree with and an advanced master in European Law and International and European Tax Law at the University of Maastricht.